a place where you can be you...

As Another Year Closes

The Dining Room Looking Into the Living Room

As another year is coming to a close, a new one is poised to begin. As a kid, it never occurred to me that I’d be living this life in 2021. Being sixty-five and living in Georgia would have been unfathomable to my younger self.

Yet here I am.

At the end of the year with Christmas close at hand, I like to look back and appreciate the life I’ve been given.

The people I’ve been so privileged to have shared it with.

As a child, I remember sneaking quietly down the stairs to retrieve my stocking. I’d carry it back upstairs and dump it out on my bed.

There was always an orange in the toe and some nuts, then little presents wrapped up and placed inside the stocking. Usually, there was a candy cane hooked to the top.

Oh, what treasure there was to be had!

In the eyes of a child, it was magic.

My heart is full. Overflowing.

I think about how I want to live the rest of my life.

I want to live my life in awe and wonder.

I want to appreciate the small things that usually go unnoticed.

The turtle out sunning on a log on an unusually warm day in winter.

The wildflowers that continue to pop up in the yard despite being mowed down more times than I can count.

The laughter of children.

The love of family and friends.

In my eyes as an adult though, I can’t help but wonder.

I think about Christ and I wonder how His message would be received if He were born today.

In the world we live in now, would His message of love and salvation be embraced or ignored?

Would people set aside their differences and see each other as brothers and sisters?

Would we treat each other with dignity and see each person through the eyes of our Father for who He knows us each to be?

Would our love extend to everyone, or only to those in our world we deem “deserving”?

I would like to think, on my part anyway, that I will take the opportunity to be born again with Him each Christmas.

That I will appreciate the sacrifice of His life for my salvation.

That I will turn towards Him in my daily life, not away, seeking guidance and the peace that can only come from knowing Him.

This Christmas season, as the year comes to a close, I wish for you an abundance of love, I hope that your divine light shines in everything you do, and I pray that you are blessed with a peacefulness that is beyond comprehension.

For everyone mourning the loss of a loved one this year, I send you my love and pray for the time when your joyful memories overshadow your pain.

I love you all…

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12 Replies

  1. Jim

    Well said! May you and your family, have a very Merry Christmas.

    1. carol

      Thank you my friend! And a very Merry Christmas to you and Denise and all your beautiful family! ❤

  2. Vali Schunk

    You always had a big ❤️. May you and everyone you love have an amazing year.

    1. carol

      Thank you Vali! I love you big time! And it takes one to know one!

      I hope you all have a wonderful, beautiful, and peaceful year ahead! ❤

  3. Lou

    Merry Christmas to you and your family as well. And also my heartfelt wishes for a loving and happy holiday season to those who share in reading these posts each week. We’re kind of our own little family as we share Carol’s thoughts and wisdom through her writings. Merry Christmas and Happy new year to each and every one of you and your families.

    1. carol

      That’s so sweet, Lou. I do feel like this is our own little family here, too! Love you, sis…c ❤

  4. Marie

    How beautiful. I love your sweet Christmas letter. Merry Christmas to you and your family. I love the photo!

    1. carol

      Thanks Marie! Merry Christmas to you also, and a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous New Year! ❤

  5. Lawonia Bray

    Merry Christmas sweet friend! You have always been so sweet and such an amazing friend! ❤️🎄

    1. carol

      Thanks Lawonia! Hope everything is well with you. God bless us, every one! ❤

  6. Susan Manry

    I love this my friend. I enjoyed the way you talked about being born again with Jesus each Christmas. This world needs Jesus and love and peace more than ever for sure. Merry Christmas blessings to you and your entire family this Christmas season. I love you my friend. May 2022 bring all wonderful things to your life. Merry Christmas.

    1. carol

      Thank you Susan. Blessings to you and your family as well! ❤

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